Help Support Yafe Be'ito's Mission

Your generous donation plays a vital role in advancing Yafe Be'ito's mission. By contributing, you're not only sustaining our website but enabling so much more:

  • Publication and Translation: Your support fuels the publication and translation of Hakham Faur's extensive collection of articles and over a dozen books, ensuring that his wisdom reaches a broader audience.
  • Preservation of Hakham Faur's Library: The Hakham's library contains thousands of rare and important books and manuscripts, many of which are not currently available to the public. At Yafe Be'ito, our goal is to preserve and publish these invaluable resources.
  • Enhancing Accessibility: We are committed to improving Hakham Faur's audio tapes and classes, making them more accessible to everyone who seeks knowledge.

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Thank you for being a part of our mission and helping us make a profound difference.

© 2023 by Yafe Beito: Hakham Dr. José Faur Studies Foundation
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